Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Monday, May 30, 2005


Elegans and Sum and Substance


This one stands up to the slugs and hot weather.  It's one of my favorites.

Blue Angel

I posted a picture of this one a while back.  It's much bigger now, about four feet wide.

From my sis

I don't know the name of this one, but it's extra special because PJ gave it to me.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

From mama's garden

The top container has a sweet little plant called maidenhair vine. I'll have to look for it too. Mama has a very green thumb and has inspired both me and my sister PJ to plant, plant, plant. Actually, we come from an even longer line of gardening women. Mammy and grandma would be loving all these flowers. Now granddaddy felt differently about flowers--we would be hiding the oil can from him.


Kiss Me Kate? I can't remember. These are from John Scheeper's, and they're some of the newer hybrids called Orienpet, or something like that. I probably should look this info up before I post. Anyway, these don't have the overpowering scent of Orientals, and the petals are thick and waxy. They make wonderful cut flowers to float in a shallow bowl.

St. Cecile

This is a very sweet David Austin rose. Another one with strong fragrance.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

More columbine

The columbines are still blooming.  When they go to seed, I just sprinkle them everywhere. 

Beards Tongue

These pictures are a little dark. I took them this morning, very early. The beards tongue is so pretty. The little bug is one that mama bought for me when we went on a garden tour in Michigan.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Star of the Show

Marcus was our special guest at lunch this week.   Everybody wanted to hold him.  Lee Ann was the lucky one at this moment.

Sharifa Asma

This one is a beautiful David Austin.  Great fragrance.

Rabbit Guard

Recently transplanted hostas.  The rabbits thought I put them out for appetizers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Kousa Dogwood

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We bought this tree for our tenth anniversary.  That was almost seven years ago.  Today was a beautiful day.  We had people over for lunch and a walk through the garden.

Pat Austin

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This rose was one of the stars of the garden today.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Butterfly Bush (Tree)

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Another botanical garden prize. This is a buddlia; but in their zone 6, it can be grown into a tree!

MBG Daylily

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There were a few very early daylilies blooming while we were there.  Our stellas are budding up, but not blooming yet.

Climbing Hydrangea

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Mark and I have a running debate about this plant.  He says it will never amount to anything, because it's been here for several years and it has been so slow.  But I keep telling him that one day he will have to whack it back to keep it from growing up to the roof.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


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Fourth of July - Climber at the Missouri Botanical Garden

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

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Even smaller and later than Stratosphere.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Happy Birthday

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We took a walk in Washington Park today.  Kelly got to go along in honor of Mark's birthday.  She loved it!

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Mark is a great gardener.  He's the muscle behind all these beautiful flowers.   He digs the holes, makes the compost, kills the bugs,  gets those weeds, and more.   I couldn't have  this without him.  Thanks for being my co-gardener.  Happy Birthday and I love you.

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Another Schreiner's--The name is lost, but it's a keeper.

Too much fun

For some reason, I can't get my pictures to appear in postings. Blogger must have known I was having too much fun.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Tami!

I met my friend Tami when she worked at McFarland. We used to call each other up and ask if it was time to go outside to smoke. There was a flower bed just outside the door where we would stand, talking about the crisis of the day at McFarland, our private practice, and life in general.
One summer I collected seeds during those breaks. Now they grow in the back yard.
They remind me of Tami and make me smile.
Happy birthday, Tami! I love you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

worth every sweaty August minute

The white irises are the rebloomers that Kathy sent to me. (Thank you, Kathy!) The purple and white ones were here when we moved into the house. Together they make a great show.

This is the same shot that I took yesterday, but there are lots more blooms today. Every day is a new garden.