Thursday, June 30, 2005

Shady Lane

It looks like a good place to live to me, but none of the birds have moved in.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Gardening Couple

Lori gave me these cute little gardeners. They are living in the midst of some great orange daylilies.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

92 Degrees

LA Hybrid Lily--these are later than the asiatics. They are holding up well in the heat so far.

Barbara Mitchell-this is another of my favorite daylilies. Actually, I couldn't pick one favorite. I love them all when they are blooming.
Another shot of the daylily/yarrow combination that was posted earlier. It's really pretty today. And one of the few things that isn't drooping right now. At this moment it is thundering, but I am afraid to get my hopes up for rain. Mark's Forecast: All thunder, no rain.

Monday, June 27, 2005

At mama's

Fairy Rose--and a big one!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Chrismas Is

This is a little daylily that I bought at Shiloh Gardens, a daylily farm in Pawnee. It reminds me of my friend Cathy, because she was with me that day and she bought one too.

This daylily and the yarrow behind it make really good neighbors.

This is an early, small-flowered daylily that has been blooming for a while. This is one of the first daylilies that I bought for the yard. It's always fun to see it come back into bloom year after year.

It's Summer

My new goal is to get up at 5 am.  I didn't get out this morning til about 8, and by 9 the heat drove me back into the air conditioning.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Kathy's Daylilies

One day I came home from work to find a box from Kathy.  It contained these beautiful daylilies.  I love them and of course, they always make me think of her. 

They're especially pretty with the coneflowers.  These are at the front door.

I've had these same combinations in these pots for several years.  They're really easy--the creeping jenny winters over, the grass usually stays pretty until after Christmas, and then we just replace the grass the next season.  Every other year or so we have to add new compost/potting soil to the bottom of the pot.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Hens and Chicks

This is one of my favorite spots in PJ's garden.


This is in PJ's garden.  Mama started it from seed.  It's hyssop, but I've already forgotten the name of it.  She sent a start of it for my garden too.  Thanks mama!


This is a shot from the garden tour. 

Lemon Yellow

It's deadheading time! Kelly and I have added cleaning the daylilies to our morning chores.

Endless Summer

This just keeps getting better and better. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I took a nap when I got home this evening. Guess I'm still catching up from all our garden touring this past weekend. It was dark by the time I got out tonight, so these shots are both with flash.

Impatients and Pansies

This is a little spot under Mama's New Dawn. The middle container was made by Jay Parkes. I bet the oil can came from granddaddy's filling station.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Powers Pond

Jeff built a beautiful pond in the back yard.  It's full of wonderful rocks, frogs, and fish.

What A Life!

Mack enjoys the pond too.

Michigan Trip

Our first stop was mama's garden.  We had a great time, and I miss everybody already. 

Garden Art

Mama put this creative arrangement together.  She says the purple millet does better in the shade.  No wonder mine looks so shaggy.  The bike came from Jeff & PJ's. 

Garden Tour

From l-r, Mark, Jeff, PJ, and mama--in somebody's pretty garden on the garden tour.

View from the Bench

Stellas, petunias, and sundrops in PJ's garden.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


We're in Michigan, visiting mama and PJ. I have taken hundreds of garden pictures so there will be lots of new stuff next week. See you then!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Mama!

One of mama's creations--she's an artist. And today's her birthday!

My Flowers Love Me

Another one of my mama's creations--Raggedy Ann, whose flowers love her.

Damn Rabbits

This is a sweet little bellflower that the rabbits just demolished.  The stick  has Deervik on it.  Hopefully that will stop the rabbits while the plant makes an attempt to regrow.  I think this may be the real test for the Deervik.  We'll see.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Look Who's Twenty!

It doesn't seem possible that it's been 20 years since Isaac arrived.  He was way overdue--I didn't think he'd ever get here, but since then the time has been flying by.   He's taking summer classes at UK right now.   Happy Birthday, Ike!  We love you.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Big Storm

This is our neighbor's tree.  At V & Warren's, a limb fell on their car.    Down the street, there is a big blue spruce that was totally uprooted.  Fortunately, no one was hurt. The Calls, our neighbor to the other side, had a big limb to fall on their garage.  I see Bill watering his peppers every morning.  He owns a body shop and he agreed that it would  be a busy day at the shop today.    Some flowers in the yard took a beating, but I think they'll bounce back.  At least we got some rain!