Saturday, August 27, 2005

PJ's Boys

This picture of Jordan is from last year at JD and Rachel's wedding. It still makes me smile. I don't have any recent pictures of Jordan, but I'd love to have one of him at he pond shop where he works. The next shot below is Jacob, our future guitar-builder. And then there's Mack, canine gardener.

More from PJ's

Looks like she's watering her flowers. I wonder if she's as tired of watering as I am. . .

Thursday, August 25, 2005


More shots from Todd and Lori's garden in Lexington--a map of Kentucky carved by nature, and a balancing act.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Martin Pond

These are views of Todd and Lori's pond. It's beautiful!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wednesday Evening

This is one of the containers that I'm tempted to throw on the compost pile. It's a little tired-looking these days. It could use some food and a spider rebuilds his web in it every night. (If that spider had a blog, he would be saying that something comes along every morning and tears down his web!) That's Mark in the background, hoeing weeds in the garden.

New Zealand Delphiniums

Last winter I ordered delphinium seeds from Dowdeswell's in New Zealand. I didn't think they would bloom this year, but here they are. Right now they are planted in Judson's old wagon.

Home Again (for now)

Isaac just got back from his westward travels. He saw desert, mountains, geysers, waterfalls, and beautiful sunsets. He brought back hundreds of pictures. Makes me want to go too.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday's Zinnias and Tomatoes

It rained a little bit more today. The temps are down, which is a good thing because our air conditioner decided to retire. We turned it off yesterday because it was so cool, now it won't come back on. The white iris is Immortality, a rebloomer that Kathy sent to me several years ago. This is a shot of three blooms which opened all together.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Now that's a Rain!

Yes, it's finally raining! We've had short, heavy rains for the past couple of days. The thunderstorm last night kept us from going to the fair. I hope to go sometime over the next week and take lots of pictures of the flowers there. Today it began raining about 9:30, and it's rained all day long. Mark and I went out early and cleaned up a bunch of spent iris and daylily foliage. It looked a little better. Everything will look better after today's water. This is a picture of an oriental lily that I just found underneath a monstrous white butterfly bush.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pat Austin

Peachy orange rose, especially pretty with black and blue salvia.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Peggy's Garden

It's a good thing mama sent me some pictures from her yard. I didn't have a thing to post today. This first shot is malabar spinach. Next year I'll try it on my sun-democrat box. With some king of super-duper rabbit protection. Maybe I'll grow it up through a rabbit trap. (That sounds mean doesn't it?) I don't know what kind of sunflower this is. It doesn't look very tall, but it's a huge flower. And the folige looks great. Beautiful. Thanks, mama!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Coleus Update

This is Sedona with some victoria blue salvia. It's taken over the washtub, but I don't mind. It's really pretty. This year's favorite is the Religious Radish below. It looks like three different coleus, but it's all one plant. I've never tried to winter-over, but I may try to this year. My all-time favorite coleus is Alabama Sunset, and there wasn't one to be found in Springfield this year. I looked everywhere!

Washington Park

We went to Washington Park today for a daylily sale. I didn't buy anything! They didn't have an Indian Giver, and there were so many, many daylilies that I got all confused. I kept thinking about the daylilies at home that are in the "temporary" bed and need moving to the border. All that digging to do made me think twice about buying more. Anyway, Kelly went with us and she had a good time. It was beautiful there. Their russian sage puts mine to shame, and their sweet potato vines with the japanese blood grass was wonderful. More camera problems--the battery pack died. I should take the camera bag with instruction booklet, an extra memory card, and batteries. Except that's probably too much trouble. I didn't even want to carry my purse with me today. Too much baggage when there's such beautiful flowers to explore.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Chocolate Joe Pye and Baptisia

I finally got a shot of the chocolate joe pye that isn't washed out. It's so pretty. Next year it gets moved into the border along with the lime green hyssop mama gave me. Right now it's in the vegetable garden with zinnias, cleome, and bright lights. (Ignore the fence if you can. Without it, the rabbits would have had zinnias and I would have had none.) Below is a picture of the baptisia. I started it from seed a few years ago, and now it is huge.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tree Form

This is a peegee hydrangea that I got from Gail's last year. It looks really fresh and pretty right now. Some of the other white flowers are a little ratty-looking these days.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'll Stick to "Social Worker-ing"

It's a good thing I don't have to make a living at photographing butterflies. They move too fast and I don't have enough patience.