Monday, October 31, 2005

Planning, Planning

All this talk about cannas today made me think about this shot from 2004. For some reason, I didn't put one of these containers together this year. But it's on next year's list!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Deep Trouble

Okay, so I didn't have an original photo for today's blogging. I came across this on one of the garden web forums the other day and it made me smile. Hope it does the same for you too.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday Arrangement

The two concrete leaves in the front are ones that mama made. She and PJ made a bunch of them this summer. I don't have any pictures of PJ's. Maybe she'll send me some pictures for the blog? The arrangement has dahlias, roses, butterfly bush, and mums. You can barely see the little pot that it's in, but that came from the Dish Barn in Nicholasville. It makes me think of Lori and Rachel, who were with me for that shopping trip. Looking at the picture now, I think the pot should have been sitting on one of the leaves, don't you think? I'll try that next time.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Pumpkins in the Park

There were over 2,000 pumpkins in the park tonight. The money raised goes to making improvements to the carrillon. And tomorrow they're selling them all for $5, which also goes to charity. The park looked great and the place was packed with people. The kids loved it, of course. And we did too!

This is a shot of the same fountain that I posted earlier this week. I loved the way they placed pumpkins in and among all the plants.

My Favorite Shot

Dry ice in the fountains made for spooky fog. This last shot is my favorite from the night.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Weather Report

We got over an inch of rain yesterday! And it's still raining this morning! I have complained about lack of rain so much on this blog, I thought I'd make a special announcement.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Back Yard Views

I hope you can see the little robin sitting on the fountain. It is so dry here, we have to fill the fountain a couple of times a day. Sometimes there are four or five robins taking a bath all at once, making a big fuss. The second shot is the birch, with its fall color.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Leaves (and a Few Dahlias)

I wish I could take credit for making the darkest leaves shown. They're the real thing. The red leaves are cast from earlier, larger leaves from the dark plant. I can't remember what that is. Mama started it from seed. It's a wonderful foliage plant and I've enjoyed it all year.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Backdoor Guests

Lori and PJ's signs have been pictured on this site before. Now I have one too!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Season's Greetings

We just got back from Lexington. These shots are from Lori and Todd's front yard, where they have decorated for fall and Halloween. They are wonderful hosts and make us feel so welcome. We had a great time, seeing the boys and visiting with everybody. We miss them all already.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Gulf Coast Survivors

Mama sent this photo of pets being rescued from the hurricane region. Her friend Joanne sent it to her and said it's from the Baltimore Sun. Makes us want to adopt a golden. . .

Malobar Spinach Update

Mama says this has been beautiful all summer. It's on my want-list for next year. I could have put some of that in the Tuesday Vase!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


My nephew Jordan works in a pond shop called Grass Roots. Looks like he's helping customers pick out some fish in this shot. He doesn't like to have his picture taken, so I was really happy to get this one. And I heard that he just got a great progress report! Congratulations, Jordan, and thanks for the picture!