Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Now This is Fall

The weather was beautiful yesterday and it looks like today's will be too. We spent a perfect fall Sunday afternoon digging and planting and picking up leaves for the compost pile. So it turns out I wasn't procrastinating, just waiting for the right moment to plant all those bulbs.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Why We Love Those Flowers

. . . and why we should keep them in the house, at work, everywhere. Thanks to PJ for the picture of her flowers by the Bonny Doon Garden Company. That was a long trip and they look great. They are sitting on her desk at work and I'm so glad the patients are enjoying them too. Here's a link to an article about a official research study (from Harvard!) about the effects of flowers in the home. Turns out that research can verify that flowers make you feel good.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I looked up this picture tonight on The Lily Garden's website, hoping for some motivation. There are three Blackjack bulbs, still in the box, sitting on my dining room table. Not in the ground, where they should be--nope, not yet. Keeping them company are a whole bunch of daffodil bulbs just waiting, waiting to be planted.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Jacob has moved to Baltimore to work for a guitar-building company. Here he is with his girlfriend Renee, and one of first guitars. He is an artist and I am so proud of him.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday Morning

Orange and purple with bright green is everywhere these days. The ruffle is made with Belles of Ireland. And the mug is Bybee, of course.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Two Weeks Ago Today

I can't believe it's only been two weeks since we got back home from Kentucky Lake. Seems like two months. It was beautiful.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday Leaf

I just can't leave these leaves outside to freeze. They're too too pretty, so here's one way to bring them inside. (Tea towel courtsey of Lori.)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday Surprise

This little bee is working late in the season. It must have gotten too cold for him to go home last night so he just slept over. I didn't have a lot of success with the dahlias this year. The foliage now looks good with lots of buds and this one glorious bloom.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One Week Ago Today

Love this picture. It was taken outside the Morning Star Tea Room in Salisbury, where we had curry chicken salad and delicious pie.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

More Fall

Lori finds the best tea towels. This one says "My garden kicks ass".

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Apple Barn

Gayle has the most beautiful assortment of pumpkins and gourds I've ever seen.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Incredibly Delicious

We crammed everything we could into that two-day visit. These coleus are in the garden at Incredibly Delicious, one of our favorite places to lunch. A man was working with the plants while we were there--taking up some of the tropicals since we're expecting a cold snap tonight. More more coleus for next year's planting!
PS - Their food is as good as their garden. Menu: curry chicken salad (reminded us of Curtis Grace's recipe at House of Grace--our favorite place to lunch in Paducah) and pumpkin white chocolate cheesecake for desert.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

From Flea Market to Fabulous

Mama and PJ are here with me for two too-short days. We went to this new shop yesterday and had so much fun. Lots of old stuff put together in new ways and lots of beautiful florals.
Notice the suitcase hanging outside the window. I have an old suitcase. Wonder what Mark would think if I proposed this as our next project?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

We had a great time at the lake. And actually, I consider Kentucky to be home. But it is awfully good to be in our own back yard again. Most of the garden looks a little sad--droopy, in desperate need of water, lots of fallen leaves and just that kind of end-of-the summer look. And then, there's this salvia, all the way at the back, shooting off fireworks! It's so good to be home.