Wednesday, February 28, 2007

" . . . Everything is in divine order. As surely as the stars move on their course, your loved one left at his appointed time. Already he is engulfed in a greater good, privy now to a higher order of life. . . He is fine, resting comfortably, able now to make sense of so many things."
Answered Prayers--Love Letters from the Divine by Julia Cameron

Sunday, February 25, 2007

$5 Bargain

I am so thankful for grocery store daffodils. They are good therapy.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Home is Where the People Who Love You Live

We had a wonderful time over the weekend. Todd & Lori were great hosts, as usual; and Bruce treated us all to lunch at Abuelo's. I miss everybody already and can't wait to go back. I always feel like we are going home when we travel to Lexington.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Snow Snow

Mark used the snowblower to get the truck back up the driveway. That little fence just below the feeder is two-feet tall.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Just Back From Paducah

This is a shot of the formerly fabulous Ninth Street House--which has been refurbished back into its former glory. It didn't look like this when it was Ninth Street, but it was still THE place to go for lunch or a special dinner. I remember going there for lunch and just having the strawberry shortcake--the real kind, with thin, crispy layers of shortbread that tasted like sweet piecrust loaded with berries and whipped cream. You can't get California Chicken Salad here anymore; but fortunately, Curtis Grace still serves that famous salad with his wonderful iced tea at the House of Grace, now located out on the beltline. Not the same ambiance, but still the best chicken salad ever with that curry-mayo dressing over chicken, grapes, and almonds. And for desert--pie, of course!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bonica in Better Days

This was a lovely rose in its day. Huge four-foot shrub that was about five feet across, loaded with blooms every spring. But it went into a slump over the past few years. Since it's planted right at the front door, it was downright embarrassing the last two seasons. So it's gone. I've been pouring over the garden catalogs trying to decide which rose could replace it. But I saw a comment from one of the bloggers the other day, who said roses were a plant that would flourish for the first three years then die a slow gradual death right in front of her eyes. And that's exactly what our experience was. We babied, watered, fed, begged, pleaded, prayed, fought off blackspot and japanese beetles with gallons of spray--and we still had to euthanize it. So I'm thinking that we should do something different. Maybe a tree peony? I've never grown those, but Sandy has a glorious white one in her garden. Or something easy-to-grow, like a butterfly bush that will turn into a living sculpture in August and September with butterflies whirling all around it. Or a japanese maple. Maybe all three. I could just get Mark out there with a shovel and plant the whole front yard. . . It just has to start getting warm soon. Being cooped up in the house with 18 degrees below zero wind chill makes me stir crazy. A few hours gardening out there and I will be thinking much more sensibly. . . Okay, back to the gardening catalogs!