Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is hosta Big Daddy with some volunteer daisies. I wouldn't ordinarily think about hostas and daisies together, but here they are.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rabbit Alert

Lilla and G have been keeping the rabbits stirred up. Lilla usually finds them and then G chases them out of the yard. I've been calling him Super G because he really does fly faster than a speeding bullet. Tonight he brought a baby bunny into the house. And then later, Mark found Lilla lying on our bed, staring at yet another baby bunny. Right there on our bed, she's just hanging out with a bunny. Of course, it was scared out of its wits. Thank goodness she was just looking.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday, but it feels like Monday

It was a great three-day weekend. Now back to work!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


The iris may be gone, but the next act is beginning.

Last One

I don't know what the name of this one is, but it should be Last Dance, or Last Chance, or something like that. All in all the iris season was beautiful. For the rest of the summer, I'll be fighting iris borers and rot, then transplanting and dividing in the July heat. They are probably more trouble than anything else in the garden; but for the show they put on, they get to stay.

Wet Ones

It's a rainy Sunday morning, but that didn't stop us from getting out there.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Iris Season

These are some shots from the last few days. The iris season is winding down, but I noticed there is an orange one that is just starting to bud. I love late bloomers.

Rabbit Dogs

They're such good company and such good help. We didn't find one rabbit this morning! G and Lilla were probably disappointed, but they had fun looking.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Penstemon and Dianthus

No new puppy pictures today because my camera is out of commission. There's no doubt about it tho--the world is a better place when you have a dog. And in this case, even better when you have two. A little penstemon at this time of year helps too. This one is called Chablis. I just found out that penstemon is also beardstongue. Didn't know that. There's another form of it towards the back right in this shot. I'll try to get pictures of both blooming after my camera has been resupplied.

Monday, May 21, 2007

From Tami

Tami gave me this little mushroom for my birthday. I love it with the little baby hosta "Mouse Ears."

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Nap Time

This was yesterday afternoon, after their romps in the backyard, a walk around the circle, meeting the family and neighbors, finding out where the garbage sack is, and in general just stealing our hearts.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lilla Lily

I think she's Lilla, although she goes by Lily too. Here she's taking a rest after getting up at 4:30, exploring the back yard, and taking a walk around the circle. Look at that creeping charlie. More weeding to do today, and I'll have such good company!

G Man

He's beautiful. Very shy and skittish, but he wants to be loved too. We didn't intend to bring him home with us, but he took a shine to Mark and that's all it took.

Friday, May 18, 2007


You know how Oprah has those pictures in her magazine that are entitled, "Breathing Spaces"? Or something like that. Anyway, this is mine. And tomorrow, I'll get to garden with Lilla!
It's been a beautiful week for the iris. And for the rabbits. They are everywhere. But Lilla's coming. . . I hope she likes to chase rabbits!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


An old variety, but still one of my favorites. These were here when we moved into the house and I've moved them all over the place. The iris borers don't care for these older ones, so they are not envious of all those new fancies from Schreiner's.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Second Week of Iris Blooms

I got so busy weeding the creeping charlie this morning that I ran out of time to blog before work. And there's more more more charlie to weed. Fortunately, the flowers steal the show and make all that weeding worthwhile.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Iris Mornings

Seems like I remember one of my very first posts on this blog was headed "Worth Every Sweaty August Minute". Irises are a lot of trouble--dealing with borers, rot, the constant cleaning up of the foliage, dividing in the heat of summer. . . But for this show, I'll work all year.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

PJ's Forsythia

This is what a forsythia should look like--wild and proud and glorious. I feel so sorry for those poor things that get "trimmed" into box shapes. There should be a forsythia police to stop that practice.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to Judson

Judson is 24 years young today. And he's starting his last year of pharmacy school today too. His first rotation is at the VA medical center. That's a great way to spend your birthday. I love you Judson!
(Thank you, Rachel, for the picture--I love you too!)