Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday Centerpiece

We're having a potluck today to say goodbye to Jennifer. We'll miss her!

Abe's Army

Check out the picture on the Abe's Army blog at My friends Pam and Jo-An and I went to orientation the other night. You can see us in the front row. I'm the one in the black jacket (I was freezing in this cold May weather!) who looks like she's sleeping. Jo-An is in blue to the left and there's Pam in her cute purple outfit. The lady sitting on the other side of me is Jo-An's friend Brenda. Anyway, we're all going to walk walk walk this summer getting ready to walk Abe's Amble, a 10K race at the state fair in August.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The allium have been exceptionally pretty this year. All the bulbs are bigger and better. We think it's because we've had such good rain and cool weather this spring.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Corn plants. I guess maybe some people would want a head start on their corn crop. Just seems a little weird to me. Mark and I did a test one year with tomato plants. We planted a huge one with blooms from a garden center along with our little baby starts from seed. Then we waited for our first ripe tomato. No difference.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday Lunch

I love this picture of my mama. She looks like she is saying, "Yes, I know the table flowers are a little tacky, but the hummus is wonderful!" Thanks to my sis for sending.
When I said that it was Lilla's garden too, I never dreamed that she would dig a hole like this! It's about a foot deep and from the looks of it, she must have been after a chipmunk. No more unsupervised garden privileges!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Rabbit Hunt

I'm happy to report the rabbit population has gone down over the last couple of weeks. Lilla and G are doing their part to take care of the garden. Of course, there has also been some damage from all the tromping and bounding and tracking. But hey, it's their garden too.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lily of the Valley

Last year I harvested all the blooms I could, then had Mark cut the plants back to the ground. The blooms are precious, but the plants are thugs! But here we are again, and this little hand-tied is so sweet that I'm just going to let them run wild.

30 Seconds

just flies by when we're having fun with Betsy. My videography skills are sad, really sad, so I need lots of practice with her.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tuesday Betsy

She taught me how to blow bubbles again. I had forgotten how to do that.

Visit with Great Grandma Emma

We went to see Emma who's just back from Florida. She had a great time there and told us all about her adventures.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

New Betsy Pictures

I'm having trouble loading video, but here's the best of the pics. We had such a good time with her! Leaving was awful, as usual; but knowing she's coming here next weekend makes it better!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Washington Park

We took the dogs for a walk last Sunday. It was just beautiful. I would have taken more pictures, but my batteries went down. They're all charged up now so that we can take lots of pictures of Betsy!