Wednesday, September 30, 2009

He's a Boy!

Our new grandbaby, due in February, is a boy.  So Betsy is going to have a baby brother!  Yay!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where's Betsy?

We are missing our Betsy these days.  She's gone home to Kentucky now.  Check out her  new Halloween pictures on Rachel's Facebook album.  She looks like she is having so much fun!   I'm so thankful for digital cameras and computers that allow us to be there across the miles.  Happy Tuesday.

Monday, September 28, 2009


This is the last day of our vacation-at-home.  It's been a great week.  The spiders have not been on vacation though--they are busy busy out in the garden.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday Zinnias

I go out about once a week and cut all the zinnas so they'll keep flowering.  Not many more weeks of zinnas left! 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Bouquet

Handtied armature with white zinnias, lilac foliage, and barked wire.  Bybee pitcher.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September Iris

  An iris in September doesn't need any fake pearls to make it prettier, but I couldn't resist.  The heart is for The Farm.  Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Zoo Trip

We went to the zoo with Betsy yesterday.  Great fun!  The hippos were one of our favorites.  Up close and underwater!

Reading List

Finished Pat Conroy's South of Broad last night.  Really really good book.  The mothers in his books are such crappy moms;  but in the end, he makes them human and forgiveable and loved despite all.    Thanks to Chele for loaning me Breakfast with the Buddha by Roland Murello.  It was a  sweet book.  Easy, quick  story about how to live and love.

I've got a couple more books on my list for right now, but I've got my eye on a couple that will be coming out soon--Anita Shreve and Wally Lamb.  Yay!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Harvest

We're on vacation this week.  Mark is out fishing and I've filled a couple of buckets full of flowers from the garden this morning.  Hope Mark catches as many fish as I have flowers!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Container Fall

 I have to admit that I've let most  of the containers go by now.  I've moved a few close to the back door, where the watering is easy, so that I can keep them for another few weeks.   This orange one was really pretty.  All the coleus did really well this year.  Regular watering + feeding + mild temperatures = great containers!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Want Some of Those!

These are growing in a flower bed at work and I've had my eye on them all summer.  They are some sort of amaranthus, but I don't know the variety of course.   Some of them have reached more than six feet tall.  With all that dark red foliage and beautiful blooms,  it's about time to harvest some seed!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

People Shots

You may have noticed that most of my photos don't include people.  Flowers yes, people not so much.  But this weekend I took a bunch of pictures of Betsy and her people.  Here are a couple that I just love. 

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sunday Morning Garden Walk

It rained last night, so there were lots of puddles to check out this morning!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

50 Years

I told you there would be cake!  We had a great time.  The Precious Moments topper is a tradition.  It was on our cake when Mark and I got married, and on a shower cake for Judson and Rachel.  Wonder when we'll use it again?!

Friday, September 04, 2009

Pictures Later

Happy Birthday to my little sister, PJ!

Happy Anniversary to V and Warren, who have been married 50 years today!

And Mark and I will be celebrating as well. Twenty-one years ago, we got married on V and Warren's anniversary and on PJ's birthday.

There's going to be cake today. Lots of cake. Yea!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009