Sunday, February 28, 2010


Even if I knew the world was going to pieces tomorrow,
I would still plant my apple tree.
Martin Luther King, Jr

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday Bulb Garden

Sweet little bulb garden from True Colors.  I always try to go by Rae's shop in the early spring to get one of these.   Love the garden look and  the big pop of color.   Another early spring annual trek--stopping by the Apple Barn and going thru Gayle's greenhouses to see what's new for the year.  Maybe this weekend!

Monday, February 22, 2010

More Tulips Please

This isn't my favorite time of year by any stretch, but I have to confess that I use the weather as an excuse to pick up just a few more of these. . . cause I need 'em, ya know?? 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Tulips

This little bouquet went to V today.  Tulips in February. . . I don't know exactly who grew them, cut them, shipped them to my favorite florist, but I am thankful for each one of those people. . .  February tulips, in a vase that you love (this one was given to my by Lori),  make life a little better. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Our first picture of Kyle with his eyes open!And Betsy, eyes shut,  enjoying her valentine heart.  My granddaddy, Raymond White, always bought us heart-shaped boxes of candy for Valentine's.  He was so good to us in so many ways.  And now Betsy will have those kind of memories too.

Olympic Sunday

This little arrangement was inspired by the Olympic bouquets.  Every medalist gets a beautiful bouquet with green spiders and hypericum berries.  No hypericum here, but those little kermits look good in everything.  Container from PJ <3

Friday, February 12, 2010

Also From Lori's

J Parkes Originals with aprons. . . and some ruby slippers!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If Dogs Could Talk

Here are Zoe and Lucas at Lori's house.   As I was going through their pictures tonight, I remembered another great book that I read last week--The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Loved it! Quick, easy read that makes you want to sit down and have a conversation with your canine best friend. Don't you wonder what Zoe and Lucas are talking about here at the front door?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Book Update

Did I tell you about the Wally Lamb book, The Hour I First Believed? It was about a couple who worked at Columbine and their life after the shooting.  I loved it.  Sad, but really good.  And I read Columbine a while back too--by one of the journalists who covered the story.  It made me think about our trip to NIU, after the  Valentine's Day shooting in 2008.

Then I thought I should stay away from shootings for a while, so I went to The Testimony, by Anita Shreve.  Her story also takes place in a school where things go terribly wrong at a high school party.  Next was The Spire by Richard North Patterson.    It also took place at a school, but this time the main character was an alum who returned as the administrator and had to clear up a mystery that occured while he was still a student.
On the way back from Kentucky, I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  She has a blog about her project too.   It was a fun read.   Cause we all want to be happy.  And a lot of us want everybody else to be happy too.  Wish we could all feel that way. . .

And now I'm starting on Chris Bohjalian's Secret of Eden.  My mom told me about it because she knows that I'll never get over what CB did to us with Double Bind. 

Betsy is reading No Diapers for Ducky and If You Give a Moose a Muffin.

  Speaking of books, Lori has a fabulous new library in her house.  Beautiful recycled floor to ceiling bookshelves that are full of the books she and Todd love.  Be sure to tell me what you're reading too!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Kyle's Big Sister

Betsy didn't care much for the hospital.  She kept her Boo Boo busy walking the halls. 
They'll be welcoming Kyle home today!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Two Days Old

He looks different already!

With PaPa

These were taken on Tuesday, Kyle's birthday.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Kyle Warren Jones

Here's our little boy, just born this morning at 8:15 am.  He is 21 3/4 inches long and 9 pounds.  He looks a lot like his sister did when she was born.