Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blue Ribbon Winner

When we go to the state fair, Mark is always a good sport about going to the floraculture building first.  If I had enough energy, I'd go to the fair every day just to see the floral design competitions.    I didn't get the designer's name, but this one won a blue ribbon and of all the designs and categories that were displayed on the day we were there, this was my favorite. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Vase

The house is full of beautiful flowers, "leftovers" from a beautiful wedding that Leah & Amy did this weekend. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


It sure looks like they're talking, doesn't it?  I would think a zinnia and a cleome would have some things in common. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Alabama Sunset

My all-time favorite coleus, Alabama Sunset, has fallen out of favor with most garden centers.  The last time I found one was a couple of years ago when Lori and I shopped at one of her really nice garden centers in Lexington.  So this year, I went to the internet and found Color Farm, a great place to order your fav coleus.  And so now the debate is, do I try to overwinter? or just send a little e-mail to Color Farm next spring . . . Either way, I love having AS again.  

The iresine in the top left corner has obviously had too much sun.  It goes back to deep shade next year.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday Visit

It's always a blast when we have our Betsy & Kyle over to visit.  They liven life up. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good Dogs

With all this heat and humidity and chasing bunnies and digging in dusty dirt, G dog and Lilla got a much needed bath this week.  Our Betsy & Kyle will be here today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Combo

One of my favorite combos of the moment--double wave purple petunia  with love-in-a-puff. 

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Flower Harvest

It's a glorious August Saturday morning.  We're heading off to breakfast and to the Farmer's Market.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Green & White

The last lily stand of big beautiful pure white blooms is going full force now.  Love them with the green zinnias and hosta blooms.  This one went to my friend Cathy.  We went to see Cyrus the other night.  Really nice little movie.  At first  I thought the guy should run run runaway, but now I'm thinking maybe they did live happily ever after.  With a lot of drama, of course :)

Monday, August 02, 2010

Driveway Pots

Here is this year's evolution of the driveway pots.  I  wanted some serious height this year and I'm always trying to find something to put in them at Christmas, thus the arborvitae.  So far, they are holding up great and the tidal waves are climbing up into them.    A few years ago, Kathy got me started on serious feeding when she sent me some plant fertilizer especially for boosting blooms on my birthday.  Now I use ferti-lome  9-59-8 recommended by the container experts Gayle and her crew over at the Apple Barn. So it's water every day, feed every week, and look for the Christmas lights. .  .