Saturday, September 25, 2010

Betsy & Kyle

A couple of my favorite recent pictures from Rachel's facebook album.  They make me smile every time I look  at them :)  :)  :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Banking Monday

This lantana, planted in the ground around the mother-in-law's tongue, is so pretty.  Gail has lantana in the ground at The Farm too, and it's huge!  Maybe I'll try that here at home  next year.
And don't you think this looks a lot like the coffee cups elephant ear that mama just put on her blog?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is that little spotted ground cover  in there??  So cute.  Wonder if the rabbits would think I planted it for them . . . and  wonder if it could stand up to goldens chasing rabbits through it. . .  Sigh.  Well, I can just run through the drive-through at the bank and enjoy it there!
And how about a name for these great double double orange zinnias?  These I could grow.  Every year TBHITWW circles the  cutting garden with  a foot-tall fence that keeps out the rabbits and the goldens :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

BoS 2010

Remember last year's garden extravaganza  at the Bank of Springfield?  Well, here's what they've done this year.  There's a much bigger garden at the main branch, but I love that my little branch over on Stevenson Drive has this version for us to enjoy.  

Sunday, September 12, 2010

This Year's Winner

Okay, don't laugh.  And don't go "ewwww. . . fake flowers in a container. . .I'd never do that!"  Here's the scoop.  I didn't get around to buying a water plant for mama's crock this summer.  And I had all these permanent botanicals (sounds so much better than fake, right?), so I just gathered them all up with a few squiggles of wire and I'm telling you, this was the best-behaved container in my yard this year.  It bloomed every single day. It never asked for water.  And if you could see the other containers in my yard, you'd vote for this one too :)

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Monday, September 06, 2010

Betsy & Kyle

So much going on in this picture!  The pink camo, the hello kitty on the back of the tricycle, Kyle's on his feet!  and the Cub hat!!  Looks like they were having fun.  We miss them so much, can't wait to see them again. Thank you to Rachel for taking pictures and helping us be there across the miles <3

Sunday Bouquet

Inspired by our anniversary this weekend, I wanted to make a wedding bouquet with big fat open roses and heavenly-smelling stephanotis.  Maybe this will become an annual tradition.  A wedding bouquet and a cake!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

22 Years

Mark & I married on the same date that V & Warren did, so we always celebrate our anniversaries together.  We  missed Judson & Rachel & Isaac and of course, our Betsy & Kyle to help us celebrate.  This lemon-blueberry beauty is from Incredibly Delicious and was, of course, incredibly delicious. 

And since we didn't have the kids with us, we watched some of the videos again after dinner.  We have one of Betsy singing the abc song--especially love the part about h, i, je, kay with her little Kentucky-French accent.  It's a funny video--she was the camerawoman who lost interest and set the camera down (facedown), so there's no picture, just the song and all of us laughing and applauding everytime she got to the 'ME' part at the end.  Happy Day-After Anniversary to TBHITWW.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Home Sweet Home

These beeaaauuuuutiful pillows are by the artist Peggy, also known as my mom.  She made them for my friend Tracy to give as a housewarming gift to her cousin.  But Tracy and I both are thinking we should have kept them for ourselves!  The quilt in the background is one of my favorites, given to me by--of course--my mama!