Monday, February 28, 2011

Five Years

Today I am thinking about Judson and Isaac and Laura and Kathy and 
Lori and Emma  and all the family across the miles. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

 Such a beautiful snow yesterday!  Much of it has melted already.  We're almost through February--comin' up on the homestretch towards spring!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mostly Cloudy, High 45

Have you ventured out into the garden lately?  It's so wet out there!  And such a mess!  A big, wet, muddy, glorious mess :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Book Review

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin was such a good story.  A little bit mystery, southern small town in the late 70s, terrific characters, an ending that was sad and surprising and a relief all at the same time.  Quick easy read that was interesting from the very first sentence.  Definitely recommend this one.

I just read Jeff Kass' book on Columbine.  I also read Dave Cullen's a while back.  Why both, I'm not sure, but I just felt like I should read them.  I often think about our volunteer experience after the NIU shooting.  It was three years ago this Valentine's Day.  I wonder how those kids, the faculty and  staff are doing, and of course, why. . .

Next on my list?  Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand.  It's #1 on the amazon list right now.   Let's see why everybody's reading that one!

New Collar Days

Lilla and G Dog have new collars!  They've been wearing the same old worn-out collars ever since they came to live with us.  Not that we haven't shopped for new collars before, we have.  All the big chain stores have the same old same old.  Some of our funky little gift shops have fun collars too, but they're almost always for little dogs.  So we found Gracie Lou Kangaroo on Etsy!  Pink camo for Lilla, blue for G Dog :)  Great service, very nice quality.  Thank You GLK!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Boots

Betsy & her friend Rachel have the cutest boots!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Need a Consult Here

I made this one at Christmas, for my friend Tami whose favorite flower is bird-of-paradise.   I've had it hanging around ever since and I still can't decide.  Eric Buterbaugh would say it is a big hot mess.  I've photographed it over and over, tweaked it here and there,  tried it outside on the house to see how it looked from a distance,  and still I go back and forth.  Will she like it, or should I take it apart and start over?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is it Spring Yet?

We have snow piled up everywhere!  
But there's a thaw on the way :-)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Second Cousins Betsy & Lucy

Aren't they beautiful?!?

Betsy LoVeD hanging out with Lucy!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

We're Home from the Monkey Party!

It was a wonderful visit with our little monkeys :)

Thursday, February 03, 2011


Mark & Lilla
shrub off the front porch
Snow Man  and his dogs :)
welcome sight

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Our little Kyle man is a whole year old today!  Happy happy birthday :)  
Our Kyle was a groundhog's day baby.  I hear that Phil, the official groundhog, did NoT see his shadow this morning, so maybe we'll have an early spring.  Sounds good right now as we are snowed in with the blizzard of 2011.  Mark has been snow-blowing for more than an hour already and I'm still not sure when we'll be able to get to work.  All county roads closed.  Huge drifts everywhere.  And the wind/cold is fierce.  Hope you're warm and dry and safe where you are.