Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Garden

Kyle has been helping me water and weed in the garden.  It was a beautiful morning!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Flowers

It's been a whirlwind of an August.  Betsy & Kyle have been visiting, and last weekend it was so good to have my mom and sister here too.  I'm thankful to be recovering from a case of shingles.  Now if I could just recover from this little case of insomnia! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Photo Session at The Farm

Betsy LoVeS to take pictures too!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

BK Here

Helping PaPaw pick tomatoes
PaPaw's Pancakes
Connect Four at V's--the same game that their dad & uncle ike played thousands of times

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reading List

It's early Sunday morning.  Betsy & Kyle are still sleeping.  We've had a wonderful time playing this weekend.  Last night we went to Southwind Park and they had a great time  climbing and sliding and swinging.  There was a wedding going on at the park too, and Betsy wanted to go to the party.  She would have liked the cake and the dancing.  I would have liked to see the flowers :)

The Paris Wife was a really good book.  I don't remember anything about Hemingway, but I do think we read For Whom the Bell Tolls when I was in school.  I didn't realize so many American artists went  to France to live.  Does that still happen?   Just after I read this book, I went to see Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen's newest movie.  I loved that movie and really wanted to go see it again.  Hemingway showed up in that story too, but not Hadley.  I would have liked to have  seen her too.

I also really liked Rules of Civility. Very different from Friends, the hit TV show, but also some similarities too as these friends lived and loved and worked in New York City.   I loved Katey Kontent, a modern working girl in the big city during the days of prohibition just after the depression and leading up to the war. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ball Garden

Betsy & Kyle are here!  Note the grass after the last few weeks of no rain & scorching temps.  But it's August and this happens every year.  The last few days have been absolutely beautiful.  And it's state fair time, so we're bound to have a big thunderstorm over the next ten days.