Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Flower Power

I have had beautiful flower-filled weekends lately with Michelle and the Petals & Co gang. Gorgeous flowers for a BuNcH of fall weddings!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



It's about time to take cuttings of the coleus to overwinter.  And maybe the sweet potato vines too.   I remember one time when I was a little girl, I pulled up one of mammy's coleus just because I didn't like it.  Back then I didn't  know anything about "foliage".   I didn't know how valuable plants--foliage or blooming---must have been to mammy.  Where did she get that coleus?  We didn't have a  Lowe's back then.  She was mad at me, but she didn't get a switch.  Maybe she was tired that day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven Eleven

I was  watching Matt & Katie on the Today show before work one morning and Matt said, "We're going to switch here. . . there's something going on at the World Trade Center."  And a few minutes later, the second plane flew into the other tower.   

Judson was a freshman at UK.  Isaac went to school that morning, but I was sure that they would watch the history happening on tv.  His history teacher gave a test that was already scheduled for that  day. We should have stayed home together.  

Thursday, September 08, 2011

I'm So Happy!

Mark gave me the best anniversary present--a much needed new watering can :-)

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Happy Anniversary

If we were getting married today, I've love to carry this bouquet.  Everything from the garden--lilies, garlic chives, white flowers from the butterfly bush, sweet autumn clematis; foliage from the anthurium, lamb's ear, and coleus; with one of mama's hens & chicks thrown in for good measure.  It's beautiful outside today.  Today is PJ's birthday too.  Hope she's having as beautiful a day in her  Michigan garden as we are here in Illinois.


It was a dry month, but I had lots of good watering help!
It was one of the best Augusts of all time with Betsy & Kyle & Rachel here for a nice long visit.  And Judson too for the last couple of days.  But now it's September and this morning I heard Betsy call, "Grannie K, we have to go home to 'Tucky!"  Sigh. . . so we helped them load the car and waved goodbye.

It's a quiet house on this our 23rd anniversary.  Mark is cleaning, I'm paying bills and blogging.  Country music on the radio.

But it's the first beautiful fall day of the season too, and we're already looking forward to the next time we get to visit with our babies :)