Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Eve

It's been a really nice weekend.  We went to see Elphaba and Glinda yesterday.  They were fabulous, as always.  We are already thinking about when we can go to see them again.  

Today we cleaned on the yard a little bit, shopped for groceries, and Mark went with me to work (on a Sunday!) to hang a shelf in my new office.  He's the best, as always.  

Tomorrow is Halloween.  We bought some candy--just for the trick-or-treaters, you know.  Not sure the weather is going to be as nice as last year--we hope Parker and Hannah will come to scare us again.  And we will be looking for pictures of Betsy and Kyle, as always :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wicked Saturday

This is the tree from the Michigan workshop last spring.  It took months, but this idea with the birds has been brewing for a while.  Next spring, it will be in a container with flowers and a bird's nest.  Yes, it's not even Halloween, and it's already time to be thinking about spring planting :)

And it's a wicked Saturday because today, we're going to see Elphaba fly!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fab New Cab

I LoVe our new kitchen cabinet--all the way from Michigan!  Thank you, mama :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beautiful Bras

 The Wardrobe is having their annual Beautiful Bra Show fundraiser.  This entry was from Bella.  So cute!

 The tags make all the difference.   They can make you fall in love with a design.
 This was our favorite.   It's tag said "A mammogram saved my life 24 years ago.  Thank you for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness."  It was designed by a woman who works in an alterations shop.  Beautiful work.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

BK Pictures

Rachel has been taking pictures with her new camera.  Beautiful shots.  We miss them something awful!  When's the next road trip??

Fall Garden Scenes

Mark was a good sport about loading up the truck with Kentucky pumpkins.  Yes, I'll be buying Illinois pumpkins too, but sometimes you just want to bring a little bit of home back with you. 
This time of year, I've usually had pitcher after pitcher of zinnias.  As I've complained several times this season, my zinnia crop was slim--I won't go into it again--I'm tired of my own whining.  Especially since this pitcher has been so beautiful this week.  It probably needs replacing today, and I think there will be enough blooms to get a couple more before the frost hits.  Happy Weekend! :)

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Kentucky Lake

We're already counting the days til we can go back again :)

Monday, October 03, 2011

Solidago Fireworks

There's an explosion of yellow right in the middle of the yard these days.  Mama posted pictures of her goldenrod too.  Some things in the garden are on their way out--the downed tomato cages you can see here, the containers that have died a slow death from thirst--but with a show like this going on, it's all good.

Home Again, Home Again

Another great week at the lake.  Mark caught lots of fish, I read several good books, visited with near and dear  people that I don't get to see nearly often enough, and in general just loafed around and did not much of anything!