Friday, January 27, 2012

Four ! ! !

Betsy is 4 today!  Four whole years.  Four wonderful years :)  You've probably seen this design before.  I found the container back when I was going to school at Richland.  We were expecting Betsy back then, and I knew it was for her the minute I laid eyes on it. 
I haven't been posting much lately.  Too busy at work, no time to blog.  Which is an excuse, like being too busy to exercise.  .  .  There have been some flowers around the house lately.  Mostly tulips.  And now there's a little pot of hyacinths--the fragrance  so strong I had to put them out on the porch tonight--and a new orchid.

 It's Friday night and the fireplace is going and it's Say Yes to the Dress night.  The mail lady has brought  a new Flowers & and Florists Review.  Life is good.

Happy Birthday to our Betsy girl.  
She makes our world go round :) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Betsy

Sittin' on the porch, talking about fashion shows and sticks. . .
I love this picture of Betsy that Rachel posted on facebook.  I can't wait to hear what she thinks about the latest fashions.  And the stick. . . well, if you're a regular reader here,  you know how I feel about sticks!  Yep, she's my girl :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Tulips

You  thought I had forgotten all about my blog?!?  Nah, I thought about it every day. . . but I do feel a little disloyal.  How 'bout that Pinterest?

These are what I call rescued tulips.  You know I believe in flower shops.  Real flower shops.  And I vow never ever to buy a flower from a gas station.  That's just wrong.   But these--well,  these were rescued from a big box that I love to hate but can't seem to live without.  

This is my first attempt to use the photo cube that Mark bought me for Christmas.  I wanted a big one so that I could put big pieces in it.  Putting it up is like boxing with a big white plastic cloud.  Putting it away is like trying to subdue a resistant two-year-old, except the noise is a little different.  But I love it.  And I'll figure out how to use it with some practice.  Photoshop?  Well, that's still a lesson in progress too :)
I just heard Elle McPherson say on the Golden Globes, "I get happier every year."  Now that's success.  Looking forward to 2012 and a year of flowers and family and happiness for us all.