Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kentucky Lake 2012

We love vacationing at this house in the fall.  We've spent a week here almost every year for the past seven years.   Fishing wasn't quite as good as in past, but we were glad to have a few days away.  Kind of hard to really enjoy a vacation  with Mark's dad being so sick.  We ate at our favorite places--the Dinner Bell and Patti's.  And  Judson and Rachel are so close now.  Only an hour up the road, and we were hanging out with Betsy & Kyle in their new house. We're back home safe and sound with our G Dog and Lilla and a few more days of vacation before going back to work.  Life is precious.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Yard Art

Fabulous performance art
starring our own Betsy and Kyle 
featuring Bootsie, the neighbor cat.

Okay, they've got a plan. . . 

And it's working!
For this art project, you need a very willing cat.
. . . a very willing and patient cat . 

We need a little more

for his hat!
Our Work is done :)
I wish I had gotten them to take a bow, 
'cause we gave them a standing ovation :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


If you've been reading lately, you'll know that my heart melted when Kyle brought me that bucket of rocks and proudly exclaimed, "It's for YoU!"  

So here's a new wreath for Rachel & Judson & Kyle & Betsy to hang on their new front door.  "It's for YoU!"

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Book Report

Okay, okay.  I confess.  I read all three Fifty Shades books.  Yes.  All three.  I couldn't let everyone else on earth read it and not know what all the fuss is about!  Again, yes.  I understand what all the fuss is about. 

Have you read Jaycee Dugard's A Stolen Life?  She's the woman who was kidnapped as a child and held hostage for 18 years by a madman and his madwoman wife.  I was hesitant to read it because it's such a horrible story.  I'm glad I read it.  Hers is a remarkable story of survival.

Summerland:  A Novel by Elin Hilderbrand.   From Amazon's book description:  "A warm June evening, a local tradition: the students of Nantucket High have gathered for a bonfire on the beach. But what begins as a graduation night celebration ends in tragedy after a horrible car crash leaves the driver of the car, Penny Alistair, dead, and her twin brother in a coma. The other passengers, Penny's boyfriend Jake and her friend Demeter, are physically unhurt - but the emotional damage is overwhelming, and questions linger about what happened before Penny took the wheel."

Weight Loss Boss by David Kirchhoff:  David Kirchhoff is the CEO of Weight Watchers.  He tells his story of battling his food addiction and recovery through WW.  I have joined WW so many times.  It works. . . when you follow their directions!

Canada by Richard Ford:  I was really looking forward to this one.  What would you do if you were a young boy and your parents robbed a bank?  Really interesting at the beginning, but I got a little bored with the last half of the book.

Gone Girl:  A Novel by Gillian Flynn.  Very very good story.  When the wife goes missing, it's always the husband, right?  Maybe.  Maybe not. . .

The Beginner's Goodbye by Anne Tyler.  One of my favorite authors, and this time she shines.    The first sentence will make you stay for the rest of the story:   "The strangest thing about my wife’s return from the dead was how other people reacted."

The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian.  I almost didn't finish this one, but I'm so glad I did.  Much of the story is set amidst civil war in Alleppo, Syria in 1915.  There is civil war there even today.  Strange to read a story set a hundred years ago and to  hear NPR reporting on the same fight happening now.  Reading this story inspired me to go back and re-read The Double Bind, my favorite CB book.

A Simple Thing by Kathleen McCleary.  Great story about a mother who is determined to help her children through the turmoil of growing up without falling apart in the modern day world.  She moves to an island with no electricity!  That's one way to do it :)

When It Happens to You by Molly Ringwald.  Molly can write!

Golden Therapy

My G Dog boy.  He's our big strong brave boy who also helps keep us sane around here. 

Lilla will be mad if I don't post her picture too.  The forecast is for beautiful weather this weekend, so I'll ask her to pose for a new photo :)

Monday, September 03, 2012