Friday, November 30, 2012

'Bye November

Took these beautiful tulips to work with me and so many people asked if I grew them!  I wish :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Handmade by Peggy

 Mama's primitives went to The Farm last weekend and they looked so cute!

 I'm thinking they'll all get new homes for Christmas :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November Saturday Project

Two months ago, I stopped at Greenview and bought daffodil bulbs and pansies, just because I was feeling sad  and  wanted to treat myself to a little garden therapy.   They've been sitting, waiting patiently ever since. . .

The weather was gorgeous today, so today was the day!  Two different kinds of yellow daffodils and purple & orange pansies, planted in a pot, and tucked into the compost pile..

Mark covered them over with more leaves so they'll be snug for the winter. The first of March, we'll dig up the pot  and hopefully we'll have a nice bulb garden  for spring :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


We voted this morning.  I am thankful that I live in the United States.   Not that I think we're perfect, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.  And even tho I've been worried about possible threats to my freedom of choice lurking out there, I am thankful that as a woman I can walk into the polling place and cast my ballot freely. 

This photo was taken at Henry Ford Museum where we visited last summer with mama and PJ and Jeff.  I will have to ask my mama what mammy and grandma told her about getting the right to vote. 

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Plentiful Pins

Pinning pinterest pins on paper over on The Farm's blog.  
Keep those pins coming! :)