For Betsy

 Betsy's corsage and hair piece for her pre-school graduation.  
I loved making it for her.
Next flower project for Betsy will be for her dance recital :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Our trip to Kentucky Lake was a really good one.  The boat ride was Mark's favorite part.  The kids kept saying "Faster, faster" so they went faster :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From Joe

A few weeks ago, Rachel and I went into a junk store and I found this adorable little picture.  I told the owner of the shop that I wanted buy it for my mama.  He wouldn't let me pay for it.   "Tell her it's from Joe."

So mama, when we go visit Rachel and Judson and the kids, we'll have to go downtown and say hello to Joe :) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Prayers

I just found Anne Lamott on facebook.  It feels like I just found out she's living next door!   I believe I've mentioned--oh, about a hundred times--that her Bird by Bird is one of my favorite books ever.   Lately, I've been reading her latest:  Help, Thanks, Wow:  The Three Essential Prayers.

As it turns out, if one person is praying for you, buckle up.  Things can happen.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Here's my cute mama.  How did she get such perfect curls?!? 
And here's my mama's mama.  She's a cutie too.  Love her hat!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Kyle Story from Rachel

 Such a sweet Kyle story for Mother's Day, posted by Rachel on her facebook page:
While playing in the backyard this afternoon Kyle picked a dandelion and brought it to me.
Rachel: Thank you, that's a nice gesture to give a girl a flower.
Kyle: Just doing my job.
  Later, after I made his favorite dinner, he gave me a big hug and thanked me.  
I thought it would be funny so I replied "just doing my job" and he had a giggle fit. 
 Who knows where he picked that line up. My sweet silly boy.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

A Different Kind of Weekend

This weekend is usually busy with Petals & The Farm, but it's turned out to be a little different this year.  First of all, I took off from work Thursday afternoon and Friday.  Just because.  And it's been great.  I love my day job.  It's full of challenges and too many needs with not enough resources to go around yet it's important and it makes me happy to have the honor to be there.

But lately I've been feeling like I need a day or two off here and there.  So. . . I ran away to The Farm on Thursday afternoon and spent some time with Cheryl and Gail and those cute chickens out in the garden.

The theme for Open House at The Farm was Spring Chickens. . .  or it could have been something about rain-soaked gardens, grey skies, and sweater weather. . . It's rained 4.75 inches in the last 48 hours and I don't know if it broke 50 degrees today.  But it was Open House at The Farm and that's still a good day :)

Out and about today,  I spied this red Ford truck.  Mark is dreaming about a red Ford truck.  But I'm voting for a black one.
Not a very good picture, but what do you think about this flower sculpture?  It's pretty reasonably priced--not outrageous for Greenview. Of everything there, it caught my eye.  
And this positively made me laugh out loud--at least seven bumper stickers proclaiming various causes with a license plate that reads "NO DRAMA"!

Tomorrow's forecast is a little warmer but still more rain.  Looking forward to it :)

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Judson is 30 years old today.  Thirty.  Yay!  I didn't realize it at the time, but my life got so much better right after 30.

So to my son Judson:  Thirty is good.  Very good.  May it be your best decade yet.  Love love from yer mama :)