Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Judson, Charles, Isaac, Crafton
It's been a very nice Thanksgiving.  Can't remember when these four brothers were together last!?!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Library Books

I took pictures of this little community library especially for my mama because I knew she would love the idea.  It's on Main Street in Madisonville, right next door to Main Street Jacks where Rachel takes me to shop when we visit.
Mama, last one home is a green pig!  love love :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall Flowers

Last of the fall flowers from the October garden.  
It's been a very nice gardening year. 
Today, we have snow. 

Garden Visitors

 Five deer visited our neighbors yard a couple of weeks ago, no doubt finding a good breakfast.  I wonder when they will jump our little fence?  G dog and Lilla missed the whole visit.  They were inside snoozing!