Monday, July 28, 2014

. . . And July

Mama's birthday was in June but we went to celebrate with her over the 4th.  We picked raspberries in her garden, read books on PJ's back porch, and ate lots of PJ & Jeff's good cooking. 

It was good to visit with Jordan again.
This mama cat was so sweet during our visit.  But she waited til we were gone to have her kittens!
Terrible picture, but this was maybe the brightest full moon I've ever seen.  They called it the supermoon.  Not sure why.  I should have googled it to find out.

And then we got to see our Betsy and Kyle :)
Kyle wouldn't let me take his picture this time.  He was exercising his independence!  But our Betsy was willing to model.  She's so smart, so pretty, so sweet, growing up so fast.  Can't believe it's almost August. . .

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

It was a lovely June...

Betsy & Kyle went to the beach.

We got to visit Betsy & Kyle at their house.  Mark said if he had had any more fun, he would have had to take something for it :)
We had MelloCream donuts one Sunday morning.
Betsy's orange report from her kindergarten year.  She's reading so well!
And the garden is beautiful, as always. 
We're ready for July now :)