Monday, September 14, 2015

Garden Harvest

On this second Monday of retirement,  I had a nice breakfast with my friend Gail.  We talked gardening and family and The Farm and politics and whatever crossed our minds.  And then I went home and made this wreath from all the sedum and amaranthus in the garden.  I think retirement is going to work out okay:)

Sunday, September 13, 2015


 Nat came over for lunch this week and this was our centerpiece.  
This retirement still seems a little strange.
The weather has been better and  it's good to be in the garden again.
I had no idea that lily-of-the-valley made such beautiful seed pods.  
And this is today's Sunday morning bouquet--wired & taped  gladiola florets and sedum. 

I've managed to keep myself busy these first days of retirement--cleaning closets (isn't that what you're supposed to do when you retire?), helping with wedding  flowers at Petals & Co (thank you Michelle!), binge-watching Mad Men every night (we're on episode 40 something of 80 and I can't wait to see the rest).  Tomorrow is Monday.  I  wonder if Gail can go to breakfast?