Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Golden Report

It's been a up & down kind of January at Canada Garden with new puppy Skye and G Dog having surgery.  Skye is  growing and is overall such a good puppy.  G has recovered from his surgery but continues to have a few digestive issues along the way.  It's warming up out there these last few days of January so now instead of snow, we get to deal with mud!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I know it's January, but I still complain about the cold!

Sunday, January 03, 2016

 Photo from Rachel.  I didn't take one opening-gifts picture this year.  I was too busy keeping an eagle eye on Skye who went with us to visit Judson & family.  We had a really good time.  It rained and rained and rained.

And speaking of Skye:
She's making herself right at home :)