Sunday, January 29, 2017

A little before & after

My mama is just the cutest ever!  She's 80 years young and this is proof it's never too late to go low carb.  On the left, taken two years ago when we visited The Farm.  Picture on the right taken yesterday.  Thank you to PJ for sending this one--I love the apron and she looks so happy.  Wish I could have been there to hang out with you all too.  Love love to my Michigan peeps :) 

PS:  Mama--will you make me an apron too??

Friday, January 06, 2017

A New Website!

I've been working on a new website called Keto With Kynda and it's live today! I wanted a space where I could share what's happened to us with this low carb/high fat keto way of eating over the last year.  I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. 
Canada Garden will still be here too but maybe a bit less keto-ing  and  more flowers  :)