Friday, August 18, 2017

August News

We have a new picture for our fishing wall.  Kyle caught some huge catfish at Carol's pond.  He and Mark had so much fun!
 We had chocolate keto ice cream while the kids were visiting!
Mark said this was as happy as he's been since we started eating this way :P
I celebrated being able to fit in the back seat with Betsy & Kyle.  We went to see Despicable Me 3 and it was so cute.   
Jennifer posted this sweet picture of her with Isaac.  They are living on the beach this summer.  It sounds like quite the adventure.  I can't wait to meet her.
 Betsy is only about an inch shorter than me now.  She's way passed V in height.
 The kids love to go to Sgt Pepper's for their pancakes.  We have keto pancakes at home and they're okay with them.  But at Peppers, they go for the the plate sized regular ones.

Rachel took me to the sweetest little country shop. 
Betsy's pretty hair.  And in her cute apron.  

The front door garden this year.
And 40 years ago this month, Tommy and I had that bad accident.   He and Nan are my guardian angels.  I know they are happy for me to have an August like this.  And Mark, Tommy would say buy the new boat :)