Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October Visit

 Betsy & Kyle came to see us and we had a wonderful time.  Betsy liked my bubblegum bliss keto ice cream. 
 V was on the hunt for a bingo game and she found a really nice one at Goodwill.  Betsy & Kyle always like playing board games at V's.  They seemed to really like being the one to spin the ball and announce the letters--B7, etc. . .
 They got to have real ice cream at V's too :)
Betsy is taller than V now, almost as tall as me.  Kyle is close behind.  We're loving watching them grow up.  We are beyond blessed.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fall Report

 Mark & I meet good friends for breakfast on most Saturday mornings over at Boone's.  We took advantage of the beautiful weather on this date and ate on the patio.  Mark's been busy buying keto t-shirts :)
 Morning pages on the back porch.  It's too cold and too dark already to write out there these days.  I can't wait til spring :)
Tabitha took our pictures.
Mark's been working out!

We had such a good time at the lake this year.  It made me so happy to have everybody with us.  Isaac, PJ & Jeff, mama, me, Judson, Mark, Chuck, Kyle, Laura, Rachel, and our Betsy.  Now that was a family dinner :)

More later :)