Sunday, April 29, 2018

April Report

PJ sent me this picture of our cute mama at the craft show.  Only one more month and we'll be sitting on PJ's back porch.  I bet Jeff will build us a fire.

We took Skye to an orientation for barn hunting.  There's a rat in the cage which gets hidden in among bales of  hay and your dog gets to hunt for it.  Skye had fun.  I didn't get a picture of Biscuit.  She got to go too! (The rat was always safe and didn't seem to mind one bit that dogs were sniffing all around them.)
Tami and I have been watching the tulips bloom at the Simmons Institute where she goes for treatment.  This cold cold April has finally warmed up.
 New t-shirt.  I have one just like it but Mark won't wear his when I wear mine.  He doesn't believe in matching t-shirts.  What??  After 30 years, I didn't know that! Oh well, I like my new shirt and I'll wear it good too :)
We found pork rinds at Obed & Isaac's.  I could seriously be addicted to these.