Sunday, October 07, 2018

September Report

Lately I've spent some time with my friend Tami who has been really sick.  She's trying so hard and it's been a long struggle, but she keeps on keeping on.  I'm so proud of her.  This little collage above  was put together as I'm remembering to be grateful for so much.  Good books, good food, flowers, and of course, keto! Oh, yes--and new glasses :)
 A few containers at the end of the season.  This peach begonia above was so pretty all summer. 
 and next year, I want to have Iresine all over the place.  I usually try to put one in this washtub and they always do well.  This one sprawled a good six feet across and one of the branches is as tall as I am.  The red/pink is so pretty all summer and into fall, so I'm going to try to find a whole flat of them next year. 
 This little petunia was so cute.  Not pictured is the black pearl in the middle.
This container is at Memorial and I passed it every day while Tami was in the hospital recently. No idea what the palm is, but I'll be on the lookout for one of those too.  My front door garden was a little embarrassing this year, so I need some ideas for next time!