Thursday, February 28, 2019

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Birthday Money at The Crack

 We went to lunch with V for her 81st birthday and had good food at The Cracker Barrell.  Betsy was sick, so she wasn't with us and we missed her.   Kyle  was focused on his birthday card from Grandma Peggy and didn't seem to mind my taking pictures, so I took advantage :)
It was a nice birthday lunch celebration with V. Kyle was funny and chatty and it was so good to have him and Rachel with us. 

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

and now Kyle is 9

Memories from Kyle's birth nine years ago. . . 
 Kyle has a couple of broken toes from Betsy's birthday party last weekend but he's on the mend.  We celebrated with him in the new house.  He looks so much like Judson did when he was that age. 
Lots of presents! And this week's birthday girl is V.
Another memory from 2010.