Saturday, May 25, 2019

More in May

 We had a happy birthday dinner at Mark's favorite Mexican restaurant. 
and we went to Jacob and Lindsay's beautiful wedding

Saturday, May 11, 2019

May Report

Remembering Judson every day, but especially on his May 1st birthday.  It was beautiful weather this year and the dogwoods were blooming exactly as I remember them when he was born.
The yard is as pretty as I've ever seen it. 
The front door garden, red hibiscus, yellow petunia and portulaca, and crotons for this early spring.
We had a lovely trip to Kentucky Lake, lots of fishing for Mark. 
I had never seen other birds at hummingbird feeders, but the orioles loved these.  We also got to watch a little bluebird pair coming and going, although they didn't seem interested in the sugar water.
Sunset from the boat.
Isaac and Jennifer are out in California where they are enjoying beautiful scenery too.