Sunday, July 28, 2019

July report

 If you click on the picture, you might see Skye and Mark walking over on the other side of the pond.  Our new Canada Garden is still waiting for a fence, so we walk the park several times a day.
 We went to St Louis and Mark got fitted for a backpack!  I'm excited for him to get to hike the Appalachian Trail. 

Rachel and our Betsy girl.  Love love
 And more beautiful wedding pictures

Saturday, July 06, 2019

San Antonio Botanical Garden

Our third Keto Con trip!  We went a few days early and visited San Antonio.  They have a beautiful botanical garden.  I loved these little vignettes of home landscapes:

Cottage Garden
 Texas Homestead (I didn't catch the name of this one, but it looks Texas!)
Spanish Courtyard 
A lawn of English ivy.

They also featured lots of plants that I've never seen growing before.  And while they aren't in their natural habitat, it was fun seeing these:
Coffee.  I've always wanted to see coffee growing!
And somehow I lost track of the shot of the olive trees!

Moving Canada Garden

After 27 years,  we left our sweet home in Laketown with the beautiful garden and are starting over again here in Chatham just a few miles down the road.  We have thought about moving for years.  And somehow this was the right house at the right time.

I learned a couple  things during this move: 
--When the moving company says you'll need two trucks, believe them. 
--Put all your keys in a place where you'll know where to find them.   If you do lose your keys in a move,  just call a locksmith.  They save the day when you need them.

I still don't know the answer to this question:   How did I get so much stuff and now what do I do with it??

So while I'm unpacking boxes and trying to figure out where to put everything and then trying to remember where I put the one thing I need in the moment, here are a few pictures of the new view of Canada Garden.

The first time I stood at the kitchen sink and looked out this window, I was hooked.
We walk around the park a couple times a day with our Skye girl.  
A fence is coming soon, and I've already bought a couple of new shrubs for the new Canada Garden.