Sunday, September 29, 2019


I loved this picture of Jennifer and Isaac in front of all those beautiful gourds and pumpkins.  I'd love to go to this festival with them next year! Our baby is growing and will be here in another couple of months <3 p="">
Just back from our fall trip to Kentucky Lake.  We got to visit with Laura and it was so good to see her and visit again.  And I'm so proud of her--she's lost 100 pounds!!  YaY!
Mark caught lots of fish this year, but not when I was with him to get pictures.  What's with that??  Anyway, he got lots of fishing time in and the sunsets were so beautiful.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Little Tour of the House

Posting a few pictures here of the new house and garden for my mom and sister to see.  Can't wait til they visit!
 V's couch, from the 60's,  now in our living room :)
New farmhouse table for the dining room.  We have two more chairs on order, they should be here by Thanksgiving.
Grandaddy's thermometer just outside the back door. I am still looking for a good place to move it to, there's a time in the afternoon when the sun hits it full on and I don't want it to have to work overtime. 
Just off the back deck, a big pot of yellow lantana with black & blue salvia under the hummingbird feeder.
Next year the flower beds will get a make-over.  The previous owners left this beautiful bird feeding station.
The new fence and view of the pond.

Sunday, September 01, 2019


If you look closely, you might see Kyle's blue hair :)

And we didn't fish, but Betsy was willing to take a picture with me.  She's got a new fun hair color too :)