Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Different World

So much has happened since that last post when I was  going to yoga classes with Betsy.   The world has become infected with Covid 19 and we're all inside trying to maintain connection through the internet and avoid physical contact. 
 It seems like a lifetime ago that we went out to see Oceanna in California. From her perspective, it has been her lifetime!  If I had realized how serious the virus was, we would not have gone.  I'm thankful we were able to go out and visit and that we all continue to be healthy.  So many people have gotten sick during that time period. 

She is just adorable.  Isaac and Jennifer send us pictures so we can keep up with her.  She's getting to be such a big girl--every day a new adventure to her!
 V gave Isaac her grey mercury several years ago.  It's still running strong :)
 Those moments when your baby sleeps on your chest are so precious.
 She's been to the ocean already!  She looks a lot like Isaac here.
 Bright eyes
My birthday in California.  The Beatles song goes through my mind everytime I think about being 64 now. 
Jennifer and Isaac live close to the river and can go down to hike and swim.  
It's so beautiful, so peaceful.  You could almost forget about the virus there.  
I wonder how the restrictions will affect their visits.
And now it's spring. It's the dangedest spring we've ever seen . . .