Friday, April 17, 2020

Staying at Home

 We look forward to pictures everyday!
Isaac says they have started seedlings and are using the tent as a greenhouse for cold nights.  Can't wait to see their garden this summer!

 New curtains in the bedroom.  And I had my first nap on the new couch today!
It's been chilly all week and we even had a little snow during this  staying-in-place time. We do get out to take walks, to go to the grocery, and Mark goes over to mow V's lawn.   Tomorrow's forecast is sunshine and 60, so we're hoping for nicer spring weather even if we aren't all out and about yet.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Our little Oceanna is growing up so fast!  Shes talking and kicking and reaching out for her ball. And I hear she really likes laying in the hammock with her dad. 

 Betsy and Rachel with their puppies.  No picture of Kyle!  He's not really into pictures these days.  And of course, we haven't seen them lately because of the stay-at- home.  We are so thankful we're all healthy and we're all able to be at home.
Such a strange time, we're all inside trying to pass the time and not make the problem any worse.  PJ is one of the nurses working during the pandemic and we're thankful she's healthy and not overrun at her hospital.  She took our mama some Easter treats today and traded for some of the masks and headbands that mama's been making for everybody.  Here's a couple of the ones she sent to us:
So even though we've all been staying home for Easter, we still remember why the day is special and we're thankful for each other. 

Wednesday, April 01, 2020


We're all staying in because of the corona virus.  We do go to the grocery store, and our bird feed store has curbside service but otherwise, we try to avoid getting out much.  

We have plenty of toilet paper, but the stores often don't have eggs.  Apple Barn up the road usually has nice eggs from a farm in Jacksonville and we like to shop with them.

Every day we hear more scary stories.  More people sick.  More people passing.  More health care workers who are scared to go to work, but they go in anyway.  Even without the equipment they need. 
 This is Skye in quarantine.  She doesn't mind a bit.  
Our facebook feeds are full of creative art
reminding us that love will get us through. 
This makes me cry.  A sight I would never have dreamed of.  Not even on 9/11. . . 
 I've been working one day a week at a little nonprofit that is dear to my heart. Yesterday I was making coffee to take with me and it just seemed like I should take a picture.  Because maybe it would be the last time I go to work for a while? 

 PJ, my sister and super-nurse, modeling the mask that mama made for her.  Another thing we would never have predicted--seamstresses all over the country making masks for our healthcare workers.  Although Grandma would have been tickled to sew those masks.  She and Mammy were used to making do with what we had.