Friday, January 28, 2022

January 2022

 Well, that was fast.  Day to day, January was cold and dreary, but now we're at the very end of it already.

Betsy at 5 and this year at 14. She'll always be our little girl.  Now that is time flying!  I told Isaac that Oceanna would be 14 next week.  That's how it seems.
Mama & PJ's buttons made their debut in Quartzside! 

Isaac and Jen and Oceanna finished up their month in Quartzside and are now set up in Tuscon.   I hope we can go be with them next year in the desert sunshine for February 2023.
Our social media feeds are full of divisive insults about the virus.  I try to remember that we're all here to love each other and not get my feelings hurt too bad.  We're not thru with masks yet, I'm thankful we have them. I'm thankful for Mark's treatment, it's gone well so far. 

We went to our fourth puppy class last night, it went better!  Yay!
Mama's cute little heart pillow featured on the bathroom mirror wreath for spring :)