Saturday, March 26, 2022

March Wreaths

Wreaths with my mama's bunnies. The ribbon tails on this one need help!

Murphy's Birthday!

Murphy gets to be the birthday boy now, he's OnE!


Wednesday, March 09, 2022

More March

Judson's stone at the cemetery.  There were dozens of robins on the hill just across, all busy looking for their breakfast worms.  I know Judson is with me all the time, we have some good talks these days.

Murphy and Skye look so pretty and so innocent when they're waiting for a treat!

Rachel's bunny wreath turned out really cute.  She picked out the elements and I just put them together.  She's got the eye of an artist.
Tiny peeks from the bulbs.  They know we're getting closer :)


Monday, March 07, 2022

Another Birthday

66?!?  I somewhat-kiddingly say I'm almost 70 now. Beautiful birthday flowers that made the day and week special, I am thankful for the love in my life, I'm blessed for sure.

The news is full of heartbreaking stories of mothers who are trying to keep their babies and loved ones safe from invaders.  Some of my friends have sons and grandsons in the military and I pray with them too.  Mama and I were just talking this morning, I bet sunflowers are going to be in demand this season.