Monday, October 17, 2022

Oceanna Visits

Our good friends Mark and Tina invited us to a ball game at Busch Stadium.  

Isaac and Jen and Oceanna came to visit!
It was a great visit, she made things lively!  Can't wait til next time <3

We went to the zoo, she loves the goats


Catching Up!

We went out to eat! Lol, that sounds funny, we used to eat out all the time, but since the pandemic we have gotten out of the habit.  Anyway, it was good to see friends at Brunchfield and have a good keto omelet.  Mark looks fantastic!
Kyle stopped by the flower shop to show us his new haircut!  He started 7th grade at Little Flower this year, he's as tall as Mark now, and he's so handsome.  It's always a good day when I get to see him and his sister Bets.
I was on my way to a funeral in this picture
Pork chop on a stick at the State Fair never gets old.  Although I look pretty old in this picture lol
Skye girl hanging out on the porch