Saturday, December 17, 2022

Oceanna is 3!

Three years old!  And an artist already :)
We love her skirt!
One of the latest to go to Petals.

We wrapped presents today.  This might be the earliest I've ever wrapped! It's usually Christmas Eve before I get myself to do it.
Found this little tag from Judson and Rachel in among the wrapping paper <3


Wednesday, December 07, 2022

It's Almost Christmas!

One of the wreaths that went to Petals
My Christmas cactus bloomed so pretty!
The front door for this Christmas.  The swag stayed for a while, but the birds moved in again.  They like to hide in it, and then when we open the door, they fly inside.  It's an exciting time catching it and getting it back out of the house.  So the swag is inside now.
Front pot
Mark with Murphy at dock diving class
He is Mark's dog
Little Miss Oceanna girl
Mama's snow woman with her babies got dressed up this year

Thanksgiving 2022

This was a pumpkin grown by Isaac and Jen and Oceanna in their garden this summer.  It was so cute, I made the little tag to go with it for the table.
Mama's turkey in a wreath
Thanksgiving was very quiet this year but we had a good day.  Mark smoked chicken and ribs and I baked Isaac's pumpkin with some cranberries.
There's a reason everybody makes pie with pumpkin.  It needs some sweetener!  Fortunately, Swerve makes brown sweetener so this combo of pumpkin, cranberries, the pumpkin seeds, and pecan turned out really good


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Fall & Halloween Report

Is fall really over and it's time to get ready for the holidays? Apparently so!

Mama's little witch made into a wreath.
I love these ferns in the front pot.  I can't find the pic with fall leaves woven through.  I think these will get to stay through the winter and into next summer.
Halloween Front Door
Rachel so happy with her new witch
A skelly wreath for Rachel's front door
Isaac grew this pumpkin, he had an amazing garden this year!
Another of Isaac's pumpkins for Thanksgiving.  The plan is to cook this one!
Mama's turkey made into a wreath
Found in a tub down in the basement--Isaac's Mario Eldwin.  He'll go to Oceanna for her third birthday coming up. He makes my heart sing, she will love him.


Monday, October 17, 2022

Oceanna Visits

Our good friends Mark and Tina invited us to a ball game at Busch Stadium.  

Isaac and Jen and Oceanna came to visit!
It was a great visit, she made things lively!  Can't wait til next time <3

We went to the zoo, she loves the goats


Catching Up!

We went out to eat! Lol, that sounds funny, we used to eat out all the time, but since the pandemic we have gotten out of the habit.  Anyway, it was good to see friends at Brunchfield and have a good keto omelet.  Mark looks fantastic!
Kyle stopped by the flower shop to show us his new haircut!  He started 7th grade at Little Flower this year, he's as tall as Mark now, and he's so handsome.  It's always a good day when I get to see him and his sister Bets.
I was on my way to a funeral in this picture
Pork chop on a stick at the State Fair never gets old.  Although I look pretty old in this picture lol
Skye girl hanging out on the porch

Friday, July 29, 2022


This girl is beautiful every day all day, but look what a bouquet of flowers does. 
I love you Bets, you are always always my little flower girl! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 2022

The volunteer petunias are outshining the alabama sunset coleus so far.

Mark's firestorm daylily

that cute little oceanna girl with her daddy

Mark and Kyle with a good fire going.  Skye was happy :)
We had to say goodbye to Walker.  He was feeling so bad.  He's a great cat, I know he's having a great time hunting in the garden on the other side.  And he sent  this cute little Annie girl right away!

Mama got thru her surgery.  We're glad that's over for her!
No pictures of mama's garden?  I don't know how that didn't happen.  Here's Powers Pond.
And now we're thru June--half of 2022 already gone.  Wonder what July will bring?