Sunday, January 22, 2023

Christmas in the New Year

 Christmas got postponed because we all took turns getting sick!  We're finally all on the mend and got to spend some time together today.  It was a good Sunday!  And in the next couple weeks, their birthdays 💗

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

 We had some bitterly cold weather a little over a week ago, but it has been getting up into the 50s too! The plants outside are getting ahead of themselves

Christmas 2022

Jennifer sent this pic of their Christmas morning in California.  She surfed in the ocean and Oceanna played in the sand on the beach.  The RV park pool was open too!  I love the pic, the tree, the presents, and the scene out the window of palm trees and mountains and picnic tables.  
Our Christmas here was quiet.  Betsy & Kyle had a combo of strep and covid, so we still have presents to open with them.  Rachel's birthday is coming up quick, Jan 5th, so maybe we'll do a shared Christmas and birthday dinner.
I made a few desserts, these were my favorite.  Sugar cookie bars from Carolyn's All Day I Dream About Food.
Mark bought me a new light ring that has a little remote to take pictures with the phone.  Now that's a handy gizmo!

Seven years keto :)
Mark is on a new medicine for the Waldenstrom's.  Hoping it will work well with few side effects.

That little remote, along with a lot of treats, helped get some sweet pictures of Murphy and Skye.

And oh yes, that cute little Cali girl turned three!