Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 2023

My 67th birthday.  With two of my grandbabies who are so much taller than me now!
with a keto dessert of course
My mom with Annie
More snow for Oceanna!
It was nice enough to sit outside the day that the kids came over for my birthday.  I wish I could say the same for the days since, but it's been cold lately
V with Murphy


February Recap

Grandma Peggy at the craft mall.  She sent Bets and Kyle a dragon's eye in their Christmas box. So cute!

Murphy and Skye waiting on Mark to come upstairs to feed them their supper!
Oceanna had snow!
More waiting on food.  They have a lot of practice at it lol
V's 85th birthday party


Catching Up

I love love this little picture of Bets from way back when.  Thank you to Facebook for memory pop-ups.
She has her learning permit to drive now!

BK birthday party at Rachel's
Kyle gives the best hugs.  He absolutely will not stand for a kiss, but he'll hug :)

Isaac and fam at Quartsite

When we were waiting for Betsy to be born, I found this little retro container at Richland where I was taking floral design classes.   I have filled it with flowers for most of Betsy's 15 birthdays since.  This time, it got a little artificial design so it could be out all year. 

He really really wanted this present!
Love love love love love