Saturday, December 09, 2023


Oceanna helped me dip the buckeyes in chocolate. She's a great help in the kitchen!
Mama sent me a gorgeous star.
Laura and her fam
Oceanna loved climbing the tree out back

October 2023

Mark painted the front door black for me.  I love it!  Murphy and Skye are pretty indifferent about color as long as they each get a window :P
Trevor got married so we got a few family pictures.  None of the bride & groom though!


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Summer of 2023


Oceanna spent her summer at the beach, at the library, at the aquarium, and at her little homeschool coop. She's so adorable, and I bet she read more books than I did this summer!

I spent the summer as a working girl again, driving my little hospice-mobile all up and down Route 4. 
Betsy & Kyle let Rachel take their picture for 1st day of 8th & 10th grades! That's a big deal and makes my heart happy.  Mark gets to pick Betsy up on Wednesdays, they go to Starbucks.  Hoping I get to hitch a ride sometime soon for a Starbucks run too :)

Sunday, July 02, 2023

June 2023

 It was a great visit in Michigan for mama's 88th birthday! She and PJ have beautiful gardens :)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 2023 Report

 We got to visit with this Oceanna girl before they went back to New York for the summer.  She is a sweetheart!  She liked my keto donuts, which you know made my heart happy. And she's an artist for sure.  She later painted her horse "blankets" to keep them warm.

We went to Paunch Creek and left some of Judson's ashes with Clayton's.  It's a beautiful spot.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 2023

My 67th birthday.  With two of my grandbabies who are so much taller than me now!
with a keto dessert of course
My mom with Annie
More snow for Oceanna!
It was nice enough to sit outside the day that the kids came over for my birthday.  I wish I could say the same for the days since, but it's been cold lately
V with Murphy


February Recap

Grandma Peggy at the craft mall.  She sent Bets and Kyle a dragon's eye in their Christmas box. So cute!

Murphy and Skye waiting on Mark to come upstairs to feed them their supper!
Oceanna had snow!
More waiting on food.  They have a lot of practice at it lol
V's 85th birthday party


Catching Up

I love love this little picture of Bets from way back when.  Thank you to Facebook for memory pop-ups.
She has her learning permit to drive now!

BK birthday party at Rachel's
Kyle gives the best hugs.  He absolutely will not stand for a kiss, but he'll hug :)

Isaac and fam at Quartsite

When we were waiting for Betsy to be born, I found this little retro container at Richland where I was taking floral design classes.   I have filled it with flowers for most of Betsy's 15 birthdays since.  This time, it got a little artificial design so it could be out all year. 

He really really wanted this present!
Love love love love love

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Christmas in the New Year

 Christmas got postponed because we all took turns getting sick!  We're finally all on the mend and got to spend some time together today.  It was a good Sunday!  And in the next couple weeks, their birthdays 💗

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

 We had some bitterly cold weather a little over a week ago, but it has been getting up into the 50s too! The plants outside are getting ahead of themselves