Tuesday, May 10, 2005

another morning in paradise

Mama's sweet woodruff, that I love. Along with too many violets and lily of the valley.

Mammy used to say that morning was the best time of the day. She was right.

I love the alliums--these are globemaster.

These are huge bright yellow iris. They grow by leaps and bounds. The yellow bush in the background was my mother's day gift from V last year. We had one of those between the driveway and the fence when we lived on highway 60.

This shot doesn't do the Paul's Glory hostas justice. They are so beautiful and they remind me of the garden show in Detroit. It was the featured hosta that year. The azaela is stunning this year. I've never had any luck with them, and it's taken about ten years for this to happen. Sue Smallmon loves azaelas. She has every color, and in her Paducah zone 6 garden, along with thirty years of growth, hers are huge.

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