Friday, January 05, 2007

Zone 6 Gardening

I've always wanted to move back home to Kentucky so that I could garden in Zone 6. Zone 6 is where your hydrangeas bloom year after year after year. And where azaleas and rhodies can grow tall and full and lush--instead of the little two-feet-tall miniatures that are here in this "northern" garden. But now, thanks to global warming, Zone 6 has come to me! It's hard not to love 50 and 60 degree weather in January. Kelly and I have been sitting on the back porch most mornings. And I could, if I would, go out there and do a lot of gardening right now. It's pretty wet, but I could move, prune, and/or plant perennials, shrubs, trees right now. Maybe not everything would survive, but some would. Anyway, here's the site for the new hardiness map. There a cool feature where you can press play and watch the map change from the 1990 version to today's. And even though I love this weather and I really really want a Zone 6 garden, I hope there's a day when we (and our children and our children's children) can use all the energy we want because it's clean, it's cheap, it creates more than enough jobs for everybody right here in this country as well as any other country that is interested, and we don't have to fight anybody for it.
NOTE: This rant inspired by Garden Rant.

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