Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Going Going

Ten days in the vase! They've been wonderful, popping open bud by bud. When all ten blooms opened, the smell was huge! I put them out on the back porch during this wonderfully mild weather we've had. Which is also going, going.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Ready for class to start? I can't wait! I love your blog, the pictures are so beautiful. Got a favor to ask......I was wondering if you could e-mail me the picture of the 'hogarth' arrangement I did for our final exam (if you saved it). I'm applying for a job at a local florist today and I just wanted to add it to my collection in case they wanted to see some of the things I've done. No worry if you didn't save it, though! e-mail
    Look forward to seeing you again.

    Leah C. (Hort 145)
