Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Pictures

I am thinking and thinking about all the people in Kentucky who are dealing with the ice storm. This picture is from Looks like she lives in Paducah's lowertown.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book Review

I read When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson. And I can understand why it was named so--one bad thing after another happened in that book. I loved the characters. It was a pretty quick read. And in the midst of all those bad things happening, things always worked out one way or another.

I also read Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. She's always funny and it's interesting to hear her point of view about things that we've read about in the celebrity mags. Kind of like reporting on reporting.


Loved how these tulips matched Betsy's coat. They were a surprising find last week--really fresh, found at a grocery store that is famous for selling abused and neglected flowers. Like buying from one of those places that keeps the puppy mills going.

We've been watching the weather channel's reports of ice in Paducah, Madisonville, and Lexington. Mama and PJ have had big snows in Michigan. Stay safe and warm everybody. January is almost gone.

In the meantime, I recommend tulip therapy. Preferably from your local florist. But if you find some really good ones at the grocery, go ahead and rescue them too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Betsy!

This is the hobby horse that Emma bought for Judson on one of her trips to Whitley. Mark cleaned, sanded, painted on it--a labor of love for our Betsy. And she loves it!

Monday, January 26, 2009

She didn't quite know what to think about all those people singing to her, but she loved the cupcake!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Back to Class

First project of the new semester--Silk & Drieds.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Connect Four

This was one of Judson and Isaac's favorite games to play when they went to visit V and Warren. Betsy loved the checkers! A day with Betsy is a great day.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

And here's a picture of Betsy with one of the dolls that my mama (her great-grandma) made. One of my favorites. And also a glimpse of our new couch. It's a great sleeping couch and Betsy is taking a nap on it right now. Best Sunday afternoon we've had in a while.

Favorite Toy

Did you see the picture mama posted the other day of me when she took me to work? She called me a frownie face--and it's true, I didn't look too happy. But I bet it was because they wouldn't let me play with the adding machine. (If you missed her post, it's over at A Primitative Plot.)

Betsy loves this one--it belonged to her great-great grandfather! I remember granddaddy using it for the filling station.

Of all the stuff we have here for Betsy to play with--colorful toys that sing songs and count and make all kinds of noises--she's really been taken with the adding machine. And the empty Dansani water bottle. That's a big hit too.

We've had such a good good time. She's precious and doing something interesting every minute!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Six-Word Memoirs

I found the six-word memoir book on my new kindle.

Love love the song that's playing in the background of the second preview. A group called pedalsped and the song is stretch.

Have a great Thursday.

Aging Lily

This lily is getting old, but it is still so beautiful.

Tomorrow? It will be time to trade it in for a new one. But right now, in this moment--it's absolutely perfect.

By the way, it is -7 degrees. Minus seven.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photo Therapy

Much needed for this January day--the high is supposed to be 24 degrees.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mama and Mammy

taken in the 70's sometime

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Mama posted a wonderful old picture on her blog yesterday. I've been cleaning today and came across two sewing boxes full of pictures. (That's what you do with sewing boxes when you don't sew anymore.) This first shot is of me and grandma. She's got that cigarette going, like she always did. And I'm not sure who is in the second picture with mama.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Thursday Night

Well, now I have flowers (thank goodness), but I'm still baking. This is "That Pound Cake" from Creating a Stir. Really good. This little grandma sign was from mama and pj.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Rachel's Day

Happy Birthday Rachel! Have a great day on your birthday. Look for a delivery! We love you love you,
Kynda and Mark

Still No Flowers

Mark and I have been cleaning instead. Last night we went through a filing cabinet full of stuff from the 90s. A lot of it got pitched, but I found this priceless note from the boys. I hope I remembered to get it for them.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Friday Night

The cake part is just a lemon cake mix. But the frostings are wonderful. Seven-minute from Mary Beth Roe's cookbook and the perfect chocolate frosting from Cook's Illustrated. Maybe next time I'll go for real cake too.

I am in serious flower withdrawal. Serious. Withdrawal. And I'm medicating with sugar. . .

BTW, don't you love the grandma's kitchen sign? Judson and Rachel gave it to me.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Go Jordan!

He's following his dream. The rest of us get to watch and pray and celebrate with him when he gets back home.

Happy New Year!

Mark is always making fun of me because I want to keep a good supply of butter--at least two pounds. I don't know why. You never know when you might need two pounds of butter.

He's been cleaning out our kitchen cabinet for the new year and we find that we have a good supply of several items. Including four bottles of chili powder, which might be close to two pounds.

I wish you all a happy new year. May all our cabinets be full.