Sunday, January 18, 2009

Favorite Toy

Did you see the picture mama posted the other day of me when she took me to work? She called me a frownie face--and it's true, I didn't look too happy. But I bet it was because they wouldn't let me play with the adding machine. (If you missed her post, it's over at A Primitative Plot.)

Betsy loves this one--it belonged to her great-great grandfather! I remember granddaddy using it for the filling station.

Of all the stuff we have here for Betsy to play with--colorful toys that sing songs and count and make all kinds of noises--she's really been taken with the adding machine. And the empty Dansani water bottle. That's a big hit too.

We've had such a good good time. She's precious and doing something interesting every minute!

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