Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Can't Watch the News Anymore

Anybody else having trouble watching the news these days? Here's a post from Marianne Williamson's blog on oprah.com. entitled, "God, the Economy, and You".

It's easy to fall into fear and despair regarding the depressing economic news, but it's important to remember that spiritual principle transcends all that. God's laws are higher than economic laws, and God never goes into a recession.
So every time you hear a news report saying things are worse and are going to get worse before they get better, you might want to counter that fear-based thinking and speak your own word. Deliver your own news.
Love is the source of your good, and the source of your abundance. As you develop more and more fully your capacity to love, then miracles will occur naturally in your life....regardless of what's happening in the economy!
Whatever doors might close to us, God will open new ones...as long as our minds are willing and our hearts are open.

And to go along with that, a little tulip therapy never hurts!

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