Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Forsythia

I found these branches in the cooler at class the other night. Made me so happy to find them. Over the last few years, I've been trying to get a row of them started out behind the fence. It's been a slow process because we have to carry water back there. I want to go out today and see if they are showing any signs of life.

Years ago, I bought a branch of forsythia at a florist and paid $4 for it. A bargain for a little bit of spring. Clayton had come up to see the boys and noticed it. The next week, out of the blue, I received a cardboard tube in the mail--a whole bundle of forsythia branches from Kentucky!


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Do you remember that HUGE forsythia bush in Pine Knot? It is still amazing.

  2. I can hardly wait for mine, it is tall and skinny, about8 feet tall, tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough. Clayton also brought dogwood trees once. I wouldn't mind some dogwood blooms either.
