Sunday, August 02, 2009

Book Reports

I love to read out on the boat while Mark fishes. And I love to read in the car while he drives. It's harder to resist all the distractions when I'm home. The tv calls, the garden calls, the computer really calls. . . The boat and the car are great reading places because those distractions are far away.

I finished The Last Bookstore in America. Written by Amy Stewart who wrote Flower Confidential and Wicked Plants. It was such a cute, lighthearted story. Found out about it over on her blog Dirt. (I have to plant one of those caster bean plants next year--I remember Emma or maybe Addie planting those in Pine Knot. Okay, so they are poisonous. And huge. I've got just the spot for one!)

Anyway, Last Bookstore is a quick easy fun read. And it sounds like she had a fun time writing it too.

Also finished A New Earth. It had lots of thoughtful points in it that I would ordinarily underline in a paper version of a book, so I tried out the highlighting tool on my Kindle. We'll see if I can get back to them.

Tonight I have some reading I have to do before work tomorrow. And I can already hear this computer calling my name. . .

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